Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Teen Mom 3 Premiere!

image courtesy of
So before I get into the recap (my 1st official, whoo hoo!)… I’ve decided on a format for my blogs. Let me know what you think… if there is anyone actually reading, of course! As I start getting into this, I’m going to try and find a site format that makes everything easy to find if you want to search on one show in particular.

According to the source of all random facts, Wikipedia, the average adult can read 250 - 300 words per minute. Knowing how short my attention span is, and how many different sites I tend to read on my lunch hour, time is of the essence. With this handy-dandy knowledge, I bring to you… 3-Minute Recaps! Could be slightly more or less on a case-by-case, but the goal is to never be over 1000 words with a recap so you can catch up on a show and be on your way. I think this might be especially helpful when there are a good 6 shows to talk about in a given night (I foresee Tuesdays and Fridays being a tad painful).

So on to the Teen Mom 3 Recap. I am admittedly obsessed with all things Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant. Even though I keep up with all the current gossip, I’ll try to keep with just what is happening on the show. Also for sake of time and keeping ish straight… I’ll keep each girl’s storyline for the night together.

Let’s start with Briana. LOVE her family and their strength based on 16&Prego. Best line of the night early on from sis Brittany: “…not running in the forest with daffodils and dandelions.” Nice to see the show portray some reality when they show government assistance in the way it was intended: for single, struggling families (not like Janelle and Kieffer getting free food for themselves because they were lazy druggies). Honestly, I could watch a full show just with Briana’s family. They’re real and funny and I want to be friends with them. Can we make that happen? It’s not creepy that I want to be friends with a teenager, right? ahem. Anywhoooo, Briana of course says she wishes maybe she hadn’t had Nova so early and life would be different (a recurring theme), to which Brittany says she is the best part of their family. Awww.

Uh oh, baby daddy talking shit on twitter, that’s all kinds of wrong. Nothing I hate more than people airing their dirt online. Cut to the 2nd half of the show and Briana is walking the neighborhood with a friend and baby stroller, talking about baby daddy drama – again these girls are so frighteningly normal. Then we see the DeJesus girls take baby CPR and then practice on Nova later that night. Cut to Devoin and his boys out to dinner. Dude looks like he stepped off an episode of Fresh Prince. Yikes. So days before a court date, he texts Briana that they should be a family, which makes her reconsider taking him to court and giving him a shot. She decides to dismiss the order of protection even though he obviously isn’t all that serious. But I have a serious issue that she wore Chanel earrings, a ratty ass t-shirt, and sweats to court. Sweatpants worn to inappropriate places is something that bothers me endlessly, maybe we can’t be friends after all.


I’ll be honest – I forgot which girl was Katie and which was Alex leading up to tonight. Katie seemed to have her life together, seems relatively normal with her baby daddy, Joey. That is until there is some sort of fender bender in their only car with Joey’s aunt? And Katie acts like it was the end of their relationship. I sure hope these two crazy kids can make it!

During the second hour the focus is on a date night out alone for Katie and Joey. Joey is going to propose to Katie!! Awww! I love these two! He sets it up so they have a special night and enlists his buddy at the restaurant to help to deliver the ring on cheesecake. Yep, my eyes misted a little, even though he said nothing but, “Will you marry me?” Not much on the speeches there, but adorable nonetheless.

Mackenzie is definitely the “Maci” of these girls and has been the media darling thus far b/c she is beautiful and pretty darn funny on Twitter. Oh the teenager drama on top of being parent’s together right out of the gate. *Insert comparison to Maci here* Mackenzie is way more into the relationship than Josh, similar to Ryan’s emotionless attitude but he really does love her in his own teen boy way. At least Josh can string full sentences together about his feelings when he wants to. We get a couple minutes of showing off how good Mackenzie is at cheerleading. Like whoa, good. The rest of the episode is just basically her pushing for Josh to move in with her and her parents. You’re 17 for crying out loud! Slow it down, geez. Josh’s buddy says what any normal teenage boy would that moving in with your girlfriends parents doesn’t sound like much fun. Mackenzie somehow convinces her parents that he should move in to help raise baby Gannon. Josh, however, really wants to live in his own place and not with her parents. Duhn duhn duhn…

Alex – oh now I remember. She was going to give her baby up for adoption and has the wastoid loser boyfriend. Wait... 3 jobs and getting her degree? Color me impressed with the dedication! And then said boyfriend, Matt, comes out of 2 months of rehab and gives it a pretty good attempt for a bit … but also acts like his drug life was so cool. This doesn’t bode well for his future sobriety.

Alex is behind in her online schoolwork, probably due to the 3 jobs and a baby that she’s taking care of. Yeesh. Hey look! Matt has a friend to talk to about staying clean and going back to school… but wait, he’s not a good kid and makes Alex’s mom feel she needs to do a quick eye test to see if he’s high. Wow, it just got real. Everyone deserves a second chance but when a baby is involved, it’s really hard to trust someone that sketchy. When she goes to work, she leaves him to watch Arabella to try and give him some trust, but her gut tells her she shouldn’t. GO WITH YOUR GUT!!! Because guess what, he went out with a friend and was gone for hours. While Alex is yelling at him, the little sister, who can’t be more than 11, drops some wisdom and says to talk like adults. Boom.

And as always the end of the episode is an adorable montage of baby love.  This episode had a very positive direction but apparently watching the upcoming preview, looks like all that good energy this premiere had is about to go down the crapper fast. Guess it wouldn’t be Teen Mom if it didn’t, and I’d probably be way too bored if it all was “daffodils and dandelions”

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