I'm trying to watch this while eating my lunch at work. Don't know how frequent I can do this with the threat of people who don't respect lunch hour and interrupt me. and the connection is so slow so the dang screen keeps freezing. URGH! Hey, MTV. There's more commercials on your site than when I'm watching TV, and I've seen the same 4 over 25 times each now. major annoying.
Joey is watching Molli while Katie does a bridal fashion show, modeling gowns and bridal lingerie. Katie talks about her insecurities about her post baby body and when she tells Joey about the show, he gets pissed off about her "showing her ass to everyone". Not gonna lie, I'm pretty sure my husband would say the same thing, but he would still support me. Love hearing her say she looks beautiful when she's at the fashion show fitting because she looks amazing!
I'm confused, is the show St. Patrick's Day or Halloween themed? She looks so good! And her lingerie isn't really that revealing at all, I've seen worse on w. 6th street on a Tuesday night! But Joey still leaves like a spoiled little boy. And that makes poor Katie feel like she isn't pretty enough. I really don't like the way he's getting down on her, hmph, immature little boy.
Big sis Brittany is going on a road trip and sadly we get another episode of Bri being sad about getting left out. Poor Nova is going to get a complex someday when she sees how depressed her mom is. Brittany tells her that she feels the abortion was right for her, but she gets sad looking at Nova sometimes. These poor sisters.
Bri and mom give her a road-trip gift: a charger and a cute little trophy for being a good sister and aunt. So cute. Lol "I feel loved" chant. Yep, I still want to be besties with these girls. And now I want to be friends with Brittany's friends because they look like they're having a blast. Poor poor Bri is bored and stressing without all the help from her mom and sister.
EWWW!!! Nova has the mother of all blow-outs all the way up her back. Disgusting and super funny all at the same time. On the serious side, Bri tells her mom she feels like a burden on them, breaking not only Mama's heart but all of America.
Mac and Josh taken Gannon to his first rodeo, just to watch. no riding, but having grown up with rodeo boys, I know how hard it probably is for him. monkeys riding dogs - hysterical. Since Josh can't ride he goes down and helps the other guys with their ropes and such. I was afraid I was going to see him jump on! He talks to another rodeo guy about wanting to come back even though he knows Mackenzie doesn't want him to. Then they 2-step and it's so dang cute I can hardly stand it!
While at tumbling, Mackenzie realizes how hard it must be for Josh not to do what he loves so she tells him that she'll support him getting back into it. Mackenzie's mom disagrees with them and plays devil's advocate.
She hasn't heard from Matt since he got kicked out until of course the camera is on. then he texts an apology to her while Alex is talking to mom about therapy to deal with her anger and with him.
Alex meets with the therapist, this time without Matt, obviously. The therapist reminds her that she has no control over what Matt does so getting angry and yelling only hurts her and Arabella.
How many siblings does Alex have? Seriously, I've counted 4 I think and they're all very mature for their age. Geez. Matt calls to apologize again and agrees to be civil and meet up to discuss Arabella.
Alex brings Arabella to meet with Matt at the park. And while Alex talks with him, he keeps half falling asleep, like he used to do on 16 & Preg when he was using, which Alex then asks if he is on something. It's like I'm in her mind! And Matt of course doesn't really deny it convincingly, rather he just gets up and leaves. He's so classy. And I hear he's been out on the interwebs saying that he's being edited to look bad. Um, no, sorry, it's pretty clear you have problems buddy.
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